There are many ways you can support the promulgation of the Moo Do values that are inherent in the learning experience provided by certified instructors in certified Moo Duk Kwan® martial art schools teaching the Soo Bahk Do®martial art system and in doing so you can help assure the benefits of our art are available to future generations.
Some members have chosen to make bequeathments in their will, others have assigned life insurance policy proceeds to the Federation, others may prefer to structure life insurance as a charitable gift and still others may elect to gift various assets to the organization in other ways.
However you want to give, the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation and FOUNDATION are IRS approved nonprofits and stand ready to apply your generosity toward supporting the future of the art you love.
So if you are a Moo Duk Kwan® Alumni or supporter and you would like to learn more about planned giving options that can transform your generous gift into your personal legacy, please reach out to us.
Your gift can make a statement about who you are and what you believe in when you join other supporters who believe as strongly as you do in the benefits our art provides every practitioner, every local community and our society at large.
To create your personal legacy, please call National Member Headquarters at (888) SOO-BAHK or email:
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